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The Swedish FireSteel BIO Scout is your best bet at starting a fire in any conditions at any altitude. It has an ergonomic design with a built-in whistle for emergencies and a tough, durable, ferro rod that performs to the highest standards for 3000 strikes. A low-waste way to ensure fire over and over again.


  • Works when it's wet and windy
  • Durable, up to 3000 strikes
  • Built-in emergency whistle
  • Travel-safe
  • Grip-friendly design
  • Biobased plastic handles
  • Includes handy CircBag for easy storage
  • How it works:
    • Composed of two basic parts - the rod and the striker. The rod is made from a high-quality pyrophoric alloy containing metals that include iron, magnesium, lanthanum and cerium. The striker is made of stainless steel and has a precise edge grind developed to deliver maximum spark. By scraping the striker against the rod, the friction ignites tiny shavings of metal, converting them to oxides and generating bright, high-temperature sparks.
  • How to start a Light My Fire fire:

    Collect small sticks, bark and other kindling. The smaller the better, as it will be easier to light.

    Arrange into a small pile.

    Take out your Swedish FireSteel

    Use paper, birch-bark or ideally take out your TinderSticks or Tinder-on-a-rope, made from farmed Honduran pine (not currently sold in this store), scrape some shavings and arrange them among the kindling. With 80% resin, it is the optimal ignition fuel that will burn extremely hot and slow – and can also withstand moisture and water.

    Carefully build up the fire, first with small sticks and then gradually increase its size. Ensure the fire has enough oxygen and be patient.

Light My Fire Firestarter

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